North Branch Students Learn About Wind Turbines : May Get Their Own

Photo By Tommy Stafford : ©2010 Monica Pangle (left) Administrative Asst. with JMU's VA Center for Wind Energy and Remy Luerssen - Dir. of Education and Outreach for the center talk to North Branch students about wind energy.

Nelson County, Virginia

Students at North Branch School got the chance in mid-November to learn all about wind energy. And they may get the chance to have their very own wind turbine to generate electricity in the near future. “We’re talking to the kids about the process we’re going to take in a couple of weeks where we are going to put a meteorological tower up here on the campus to measure the wind speeds. If the wind speeds are good and the school thinks it’s worth the money, to put up a wind turbine we will help them do that,” said Remy Luerssen, the Director of Education and Outreach for the VA Center for Wind Energy at James Madison University.

Students at North Branch were shown an actual wind turbine loaned by EcoTecture ( owned by Steve Crandall of Roseland.

“Eventually if we have enough wind we’d like to work towards getting a wind turbine,” says Bonnie Holliday with North Branch School.

“In a couple of weeks where we are going to put a meteorological tower up here on the campus to measure the wind speeds,” Remy adds.

Remy shows a device that measures wind and how much energy it can generate.

“When a wind turbine goes up it will generate electricity for the school. It will help them with their electric bill a little bit, but more than that it’s going to be educational for the students to have cool technology like this on their campus to learn about alternative energy,” Remy continues.

The temporary meteorological tower will stay up for 6-12 months then a decision about and actual wind turbine will be made.


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