DATEBOOK : GLADSTONE : Volunteer Fire Department Bluegrass Fundraiser : September 20th 2008


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6th Annual Bluegrass Concert Saturday, September 20, 2008 at the firehouse.

“This is our annual fundraiser to raise money to pay down our loan for the Seagrave Tanker #42 that
was purchased two years ago. Our debt is still $118,000 and our annual payments
are $17,777. The Bluegrass Concert will have six bands donating their time to
play music to help raise money. The Concert starts at 1:00 p.m. and lasts till
about 7:00. We encourage residents of Nelson County in the
Wintergreen, Nellysford, Afton and Lovingston areas who like Bluegrass to come on down!. Gladstone is in the very Southern tip of
Nelson County.

The cost is $10 for adults and children under 12 are free.
For more information call: 434.933.8482

The Bands playing are:

Mac Bryant and Friends
Long Mountain Bluegrass Band
Dixie Blue
James River Cutups
Little Mountain Boys
Clinch Mountain Ramblers

Directions to the firehouse from Amherst-Rt 29 are:
Take Rt. 60 exit off Rt. 29 and travel EAST on Rt. 60 for approximately 14
miles to the Firehouse on the Right.

Bar-b-que with all the fixin’s, hamburgers, hotdogs and other goodies will be
available along with baked goods.


  1. Thank you so much for putting this on your website and we’ll keep our fingers crossed that it makes the printed magazine. Actually the firehoue is right on Rt. 60, so I hope the map doesn’t confuse anyone, as it sends you right down to the Community Center. I hope to come to one of the lunches, I was there about 4 weeks ago and did a Mary Kay makeover for quite a few of the ladies before lunch, it was a great time. I look forward to meeting you. Keep up the wonderful work on your magazine, the county needed something like this for years. I was going to fax you a better “copy” that you could have used for the announcement, but you didn’t hava a fax number listed.

    Hope your baby comes after the Bluegrass concert, but if you go into labor we’ll get you to the hospital in no time, the rescue squad is right next door to the firehouse, ha ha… I hope all goes well if you give birth before then.

    Take care and thanks again.

    Jane Booker


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