PINEY RIVER : Boy Scout Troop 32 Completes Week At Camp Powhatan


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    BST-32 Powhatan
    Photo Courtesy of Piney River Boy Scout Troop 32
    For Nelson County Life Magazine ©2008
    At Camp Powhatan, Virginia

    Stuart and Betsy Smith of Roseland sent this our way Sunday evening, they said:

    “Piney River Boy Scout Troop 32 just returned from a week of Boy Scout Camp at Camp Powhatan. The youngest scouts attended Brown Sea Island where they learned the basics of scouting. The remaining 9 older scouts worked on merit badges at the Powhatan camp and Claytor Lake and participated in activities such as sailing, shot gun sports, first aid, space exploration, and emergency management preparedness. The boys were a part of over 1,000 scouts from across the nation attending camp on this 16,000 acre scout reservation in southwestern VA. Scouting activities weren’t just for the boys, adult leaders Dan Hunt and Stuart Smith participated in several classes in addition to keeping a watchful eye out for the boys all week.”

    Congrats to troop 32!


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