Economic Development Authority : 4.1.10 : Minutes


Thursday, April 1, 2010

Present: Ms. Emily Pelton, Mr. Alphonso Taylor, Mr. Bennett Saunders and Mr.
Greg Kelly (Staff: Ms. Maureen Kelley)

Absent: Mr. Steve Crandall, Mr. Natt Hall and Mr. Erwin Berry

BOYS AND GIRLS CLUB: Ms. Agnes Schrider, owner of Nelson Physical Therapy,
told the Board that volunteers are in the beginning stages of bringing a
Boys and Girls Club to Nelson. She said that she hopes it will be housed at
Rockfish Valley Community Center and she hopes it will be launched in 2011.
Ms. Schrider said that the organization offers programs for all kids,
including those who cannot afford other programs. She said that as an
employer, one of the biggest challenges in the county is finding good,
dependable employees and she believes this is one way for employers to help
develop those traits in the work force. Ms. Schrider said that annual dues
would be approximately $40 per year per child but that no child would be
turned away if the family could not pay. She noted that the Nelson group
would be required to have $100,000 and 100 kids signed up prior to startup.
The annual budget would be $100,000 to be used to pay 1 ½ employees plus
expenses. She said that there are many opportunities for individuals and
organizations to be involved through donations toward the annual budget and
donations of supplies, mentoring, events, etc.

LOVINGSTON FARM MARKET: Mr. George Krieger, Director of The Nelson Center,
presented a review of the past year, noting issues with strong thunderstorms
during the outdoor markets and the continued indoor markets. He said that
the Nelson Center is willing to continue to provide space and support but is
no longer interested in managing the market. An association of very involved
vendors has been established to manage and promote the market. There will be
on more indoor market on April 17th and then the outdoor markets begin May
5th from 3-6pm and will continue each Wednesday. There are four major-event
markets planned for May 5th, June 23rd, August 11th and September 29th with
music and beer and wine tastings. The Nelson Center has committed to
purchasing two large event tents and will be responsible for putting those
up and taking them down. The market will move closer to Rt. 29 for better
visibility. In addition, the Nelson Center has committed $1,000 to support
the Market. Mr. Krieger presented a business plan for the Market and asked
the EDA to consider pledging $1,000 to assist the Market in startup.

BUSINESS APPRECIATION EVENT: Members discussed the options for the event
including adding two follow up half-day programs on entrepreneur
opportunities and agribusiness options. Ms. Pelton and Ms. Kelly agreed to
continue working on a proposal for the event.

MICROLOAN PROGRAM: Mr. Kelly announced a meeting with the regional director
of Rural Development to discuss the possibility of Nelson County developing
a microloan program under the Lynchburg regional program. Rural Development
is a part of the Department of Agriculture and provides support for
infrastructure and economic development projects.

FUNDING: Members voted 4-0 to allocate $1,000 for expenditures for the 2010
Lovingston Farm Market. Members agreed by consensus to direct staff to
contact Ms. Schrider to ask that she submit a specific request that fits
within the EDA mission.

Meeting adjourned.

Copyright 2000-2010 by Rural Nelson, Inc. All rights reserved. Reports may
be reprinted or excerpted with attribution.