Heavy Snow Continues Falling At Wintergreen & Higher Elevations : 12.5.09

©2009 www.nelsoncountylife.com : Thanks to Dima Holmes at Wintergreen Real Estate's Mountain Office for these photos. Click to enlarge.
©2009 www.nelsoncountylife.com : Thanks to Dima Holmes at Wintergreen Real Estate's Mountain Office for these photos. Click to enlarge.

Devils Knob
Nelson County, Virginia

Head on up above to 3000+ feet and we’re talking real snow! Dima Holmes at Wintergreen Real Estate’s Discovery Ridge office let us use these photos. As of noon roughly 3-5 inches of snow had fallen on the mountains with heavy snow continuing.

More heavy snow is expected with an additional 2-4 inches of snow by tonight.
More heavy snow is expected with an additional 2-4 inches of snow by tonight.

Temps in the valley are hovering just above freezing around the noon hour, so not much snow has accumulated. Heavier snow may move into the area later today, with some snow accumulation in the lowers levels expected.

Thanks Dima for the photos!


  1. Tommy: Snowing hard most of day. 24 degrees and I’m sure we’ve had 6-8 inches here at the 3rd tee box (3400 feet) on the mountain. This is just what we need as Wintergreen heads into the Christmas Holiday. Get those skis ready!


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