4-H Demonstration Garden Taking Shape @ The Nelson Center : 7.30.09

Photo Courtesy of Olivia Ellis : ©www.NelsonCountyLife.com : Nelson County Master Gardener Steve Ellis, right, shows California farmer John Simpson the demonstration garden he is helping to create at the Nelson Center in Lovingston.
Photo Courtesy of Olivia Ellis : ©www.NelsonCountyLife.com : Nelson County Master Gardener Steve Ellis, right, shows California farmer John Simpson the demonstration garden he is helping to create at the Nelson Center in Lovingston.

Nelson County, Virginia

Special to NelsonCountyLife.com
By Olivia Ellis
Nelson County Master Gardener

Blooming in the foreground of this picture is a colonial favorite, Hyacinth Bean, next to purple Butterfly Bush and Caracalla Bean, and along the wooden fence giant mallow blooms shade the Blackberry Lilies and Virginia wildflowers propagated by The Wintergreen Nature Foundation, Great Blue Lobelia, Gray Beard Tongue, Butterfly Weed, Sun Drops, Primrose, Bee Balm, and wild Geranium.

Raised bed vegetable gardening is also being displayed there, allowing 4-H students and any county resident the chance to see and learn from Virginia Tech trained master gardeners how best to grow vegetables with limited space, scarce water, rocky red clay, and humid heat.

A Grand Opening is anticipated for late September, or early October while an herb garden and additional pathways are being developed.


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