Free VPI Readings at Hamner Theater – Sat & Sun


The Hamner Theater’s Virginia Playwrights Initiative presents two free staged readings on Saturday, June 20 & Sunday, June 21.

There will be a free Staged Reading of “Nobody’s Wife”, by Cindy Dlugolecki on Saturday at 7 p.m. This play was inspired by the work of Philadelphian muralist Violet Oakley, one of the ‘Red Rose Girls’, and the first woman in history to be commissioned to paint murals in a public building.

On Sunday, June 21 at 1 p.m., there will be a free Staged Reading of “The Grove at Illium”; Jane Ann Crum’s play follows a family over several generations, beginning with the establishment of the family farm, The Grove, in the nineteenth century, and continuing to the present day – a play about family, and a search for self.

The Virginia Playwrights Initiative (VPI) is a part of the Hamner Theater’s continuing mission to foster new works for the stage, specifically those by Virginia playwrights. VPI provides a venue for the playwright to workshop, rewrite and rehearse a new script with a company of experienced actors, a director and a dramaturg. The playwright participates in a process of readings, rehearsal, discussion, culminating in a public staged reading.

Following each reading, there will be a discussion open to all. This discussion is an important part of the process, providing an opportunity for the playwright to understand the impact the play has had on the audience. The Virginia Playwrights Initiative is made possible in part by grants from the Virginia Commission for the Arts and the BAMA Fund.

Event Date: Saturday 20th of June 2009 07:00 PM

Location/Address: Hamner Theater

Contact Telephone Please call 434 361 1999 for more information


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