Nelson Businesses Get Thank You : 5.15.09

©2009 NCL Magazine : Photo By Yvette Stafford : (Left) Deb and Richard Bulissa, owners of Orchard House B & B in Lovingston chat it up with other business owners at Thursday night's dinner.
©2009 NCL Magazine : Photo By Yvette Stafford : (Left) Deb and Richard Bulissa, owners of Orchard House B & B in Lovingston chat it up with other business owners at Thursday night's dinner.

Nelson County, Virginia

Seldom do the businesses here in the county get a night all of their own, but once a year they do! The Nelson County Economic Development Authority held their annual Business Appreciation Dinner Thursday night in The Carriage House at Oak Ridge Estate. The event allows businesses owners to chat with one another in a relaxed atmosphere, and is a way of saying thanks for all they do in Nelson.

Nelson EDA Board Member, Steve Crandall (left coat & tie) and Joe Lee McClellan, owner of Nelson County Cable, serve up some of the delicious food at Thursday's event.
Nelson EDA Board Member, Steve Crandall (left coat & tie) and Joe Lee McClellan, owner of Nelson Nelson County Cable, serve up some of the delicious food at Thursday's event.

The annual event draws over 100 attendees.


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