BPL Update : Martins Store Substation : 3.20.09


From: “IBEC Customer Service”
Date: March 20, 2009 5:22:12 PM EDT
To: “info”
Subject: Martins Store Broadband over Powerline Update March 20, 2009

Martins Store Substation BPL Update

March 20, 2009

We have made significant progress this week. All backbone units on the Afton 3 headend have been hung. We expect to finish Woodsmill 1 next week and start on the remaining units on NellysFord.

Some of you have been concerned that CAUs have been hung on your street and yours was not. Do not be concerned. If you have signed up and paid for your modem your CAU will be hung. There was a large number of signups that came at a point where the network design was done and the crew assignments had been made for that area. Rather than continuously changing the crew assignments it made more sense to wait and hang those CAUs at the end rather than to run back and forth putting them in areas already laid out. We will start to hang these next week also.

We will again have three crews working with two IBEC troubleshooters on the ground. We will be continuing to bring areas of the network online and contacting customers to plug in their modems and begin surfing.

One of the biggest delays we are experiencing at this time is getting in touch with customers who could have service if we could get the necessary information from them and tell them to plug in their modems. We have customer service representatives on duty 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. If you receive a call from IBEC asking you to call us back please do so. It is a toll-free call at 888-IBEC-BPL or 888-423-2275.

Thanks again for your patience,
IBEC Customer Service


  1. IBEC- “elliott” are @ Davis creek, @ 8 oc, 23 rd. 4 trucks to change out “old” equipment
    & install new system. As I posted a short year ago thomas edision, & A. gram bell took
    a while to get us to where we are. I just about gave up as in last post, & put IBEC updates
    to spam, I see light @ end of tunnel, but hope I can at least have a back up system when
    satellite system has a cloud in area! Yahoo. steve

  2. I called IBEC last Wednesday week to find out when I might be able to activate my modem. I was told someone would call me back within 24 to 48 hours to give me status. So far I’ve heard nothing. Both my neighbor and I are still waiting to be notified for activation. Seems like there is progress being made everywhere around us–don’t know what the issue is on Bland Wade Ln.

    I called Ntelos yesterday and got hooked up to their mobile service today–it was supposed to work in my area. I am getting one bar and the speed is slower than dial-up. I already tried their portable broadband which didn’t work.

    Looks like I’m stuck w/ dial-up or possibly Alltel at $59.95/month.

    Welcome to the 20th century (and that’s no typo) in Nelson County!

  3. Hi C.R.,

    I want to encourage you to contact Lynn at IBEC. She is in town right now purely for the sake of helping out frustrated customers. I have been so impressed with some of IBEC’s recent efforts in reaching out to us out here in Nelson. I sent my modem back and now and was contacted by both Lynn and one of IBEC’s founders. They are now having me test out the service and provide feedback to you all out here e on Nelson county life and back to them.

    Here is Lynn’s contact info. I believe she will do everything she can to make sure you get the service you deserve. lynn.gann@ibec.net

    I hope it works out for you!


  4. I meant to say, “I sent my modem back frustrated, and not long after, I received a call and visit from Lynn as well as an email from one of IBEC’s founders.” They encouraged me enough to try again…and they want me to test the service and provide feedback to them and BPL users…

    That’s some pretty good follow up.

  5. Thanks Rev Tommy. I just fired an e-mail off to Lynn. I don’t know whether she’s still in the area or not but maybe she can help even if she’s not.


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