Near Montebello
Crabtree Falls
Nelson County, Virginia
Usually when you hear of us reporting on a rescue at Crabtree Falls it’s a person that’s slipped and gone over. Most of the time that doesn’t end well. The deaths there are in the dozens over the years. That’s not this story. Not even close. Spoiler alert, this one has a very happy ending! What’s more, it was all captured on video. This one’s going to make you happy.
Wintergreen Fire & Rescue posted the video below over the weekend, this is how they say it all started.
“If you’re not a dog person, you may not get this.
Today we were called to Crabtree Falls to search for a dog which fell over the falls and couldn’t be located. Our crews combined with Montebello Fire and Piney River Fire to search for a few hours. The dog was not found.
Later, we were requested to return because the dog showed up on the far side of the falls. We were able to safely return Winnie to her owner.”
To see for your own, watch the video below, it’s a great one shot by the owners of the dog!
This is the kind of story we like to see coming out of Crabtree Falls!!