NWS Skywarn Basics Class In Nelson County & Skywarn Appreciation Day



Nelson County, Virginia

“Nelson County is sponsoring a SKYWARN Basics Class on January 15th, 2025. The location is the Firehouse in Lovingston. Completion of this class will result in a SKYWARN spotter ID IF you live in the Baltimore/Washington (STERLING, ,LWX ) CWA (County Watch Area – see photo above)

If you live in the Wakefield or Blackburg CWA you may also attend and I can help you get on the roles of the Wakefiled or Blacksburg CWA spotter list.

For details of the Nelson County class follow the link…REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED TO ATTEND : https://www.weather.gov/lwx/skywarn

SKYWARN Recognition day (SRD) is December 7th.  All spotters and Hams are encouraged to participate. I have never participated but it looks like fun… hope you can join in. Please check out the following link and register if you are interested.

Finally… thanks for the 18 check-ins on the Monthly Skywarn Net. Pete KQ4TNW was our new net controller and did a great job.

Please let me know if you have any questions.

Feel free to pass is information along to Hams and Non-Hams alike.

Dave Beebe, K4UEK
Waynesboro/Charlottesville SKYWARN Subnet Coordinator
(Augusta, Albemarle, Greene and Nelson Counties)”


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