Not So Fast : USGS Says “Not Our Helicopters.”

A mystery helicopter of unknown origin flies over Afton, Virginia on Thursday - September 12, 2024.

Nelson County, Virginia

Last week we mistakenly thought we’d solved the mystery of the military style helicopters flying low over Nelson and other nearby counties. Here’s a link to that post.

Today on Monday we were sent an email from the US Geological Service saying, nope that’s not our guys.

“Hi Tommy ,

About your post on Thursday: The two helicopters USGS contractors use for Earth MRI to scope out new sources of critical minerals (including deposits in mine waste), map aquifers, fault lines and radon deposits, and better understand fundamental geology – are very far away from the Blue Ridge at the moment.  When we checked Friday they were both in Idaho.  And if you look at the photo of our contractor’s helicopter in the release you linked to, it has a boom sticking out of it (to detect those deposits!), unlike the helicopter in the video.

Many thanks,


Seth Amgott
Office of Communications and Publishing
U.S. Geological Survey
Reston, VA

So just who was flying around last week? The short answer, we don’t know. We have been told everything from DEA (Drug Enforcement Administration) to military exercises. But none of those are confirmed by anyone.

We do greatly appreciate Seth with USGS setting the record straight, so the mystery continues!


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