Happy 4th Of July 2023 : Wintergreen & Lovingston Fireworks! (Video)

Photos By BRL Mountain Photographer Paul Purpura : The skies above Wintergreen Resort were filled with fireworks from both Mother Nature and launched fireworks down below this past Sunday night - July 2, 2023. It's been an annual tradition at the resort for decades.


Nelson County, Virginia

Showers and thunderstorms, sometimes severe, paused long enough for Wintergreen Resort to put on their annual 4th of July fireworks display Sunday night. Storms earlier in the day paused and the yearly event went off without a hitch before more severe storms moved in just before midnight.

Lovingston Volunteer Fire Department also held their first annual fireworks show at the high school stadium on Monday night.

Photo By Tommy Stafford : Adam & Peyton Stafford look on as fireworks are launched from the football stadium behind Nelson County High in Lovingston – July 3, 2023.
Photo By Tommy Stafford : Severe Thunderstorms moved through just minutes before the fireworks were set to begin. But they moved slid far enough east for the show to start. Several trees were blow down along Route 29 north of Lovingston due to the storms. Monday – July 3, 2023

For a look back at some of the previous fireworks shows at Wintergreen Resort, you can click here.


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