Enjoy music surrounded by the beauty of nature.
From Virginia State Parks:
Virginia State Parks will have music series this summer that will include bluegrass, jazz, gospel, country, rock and roll, symphony and contemporary. Each location has a variety of music throughout the year so there is something that everyone can enjoy.
Treat yourself to the music series available at the following five Virginia State Park locations this year:
- Belle Isle State Park features Music by the River
- Hungry Mother State Park features Music in the Park
- Pocahontas State Park features Pocahontas Premieres
- Smith Mountain Lake State Park features Ray Judd’s Music in the Park
- Westmoreland State Park features Music on the Cliffs
“Westmoreland’s Music on the Cliffs is a chance for the Friends group to showcase local musical talent that covers a range of genres,” said Westmoreland State Park Manager Steve Davis. “This event has become a must attend series for many people, especially the local residents, because they look forward to enjoying good music as they gaze at the Potomac River from the top of Horsehead Cliffs.”
“Our summer concert series is presented by the Friends of Hungry Mother State Park and all proceeds benefit the park through their projects,” said Hungry Mother State Park Manager Andrew Philpot. “These artists, both individuals and small groups, are wonderful to hear and we host a variety of different music to keep things fresh every week. Plus, you can’t beat the amazing lake view combined with music that is sure to make you feel good.”
“Country and bluegrass music are rooted in this area of Virginia,” said Smith Mountain Lake State Park Manager Brain Heft. “Our Friends Group has been sponsoring these events for over 20 years. It is a great opportunity for our guests to enjoy an evening looking out over Smith Mountain Lake, listening to this traditional music, watching, and even participating in clogging. We hope you join us for these fun concerts.”
In addition to the music series, there are concerts, festivals and music camps taking place at several Virginia State Park locations this year. These events are a great way to get outdoors and connect with nature, friends and family while enjoying rhythmic music.
Most series run from May until October and begin at 6 p.m. or later. Some concerts are free, and some concerts require a ticket purchase, but parking fees are required at all park locations upon entry. You don’t have to camp to enjoy the series, but camping is a great way to enjoy the music at night and explore the park during the day.
Each park location offers a unique view for the summer concerts so be sure to check out at least one of the many music series available this year. Find more Virginia State Park music events here.