We’re 18 Years Old Today! (4.1.2023)

©2005-2016 Blue Ridge Life Magazine - Nelson County Life Magazine : Back in 2005, Publisher Tommy & Yvette Stafford seen here on the Cris Kringle Christmas Tree Farm in Roseland, kicked off our charter publication called Nelson County Life Magazine. Three years ago this past January we rebranded ourselves to Blue Ridge Life Magazine. Since then the two have grown to four!
That was our very first publisher photo for then Nelson County Life Magazine back on April 1, 2005. The genesis of Blue Ridge Life.

Nelson County, Virginia

18 years ago on this very day the first issue of then Nelson County Life Magazine was launched. Boy, how things have changed since those days! All of us have seen a lot since then. Whether it was a blizzard or a derecho, or sadly something even worse, we tried our best to let people know. Remember the large fire at Wintergreen Resort’s Copper Mine Restaurant? There have been so many stories covered. Thousands.

This is a good place to let you know all of the old Nelson County Life issues have been archived by the Rockfish Valley Foundation, along with all of the Blue Ridge Life issues. This was done in a cooperative effort with the Jefferson-Madison Regional Library where all of the 193 issues are stored in print and electronically.

Our first issue with the Publisher’s Column on the right. That was the launch. April 1, 2005.

Back in 2013 we changed the name from Nelson County Life to Blue Ridge Life. That allowed us to include things in nearby counties that might not fit under the NCL umbrella.

Publishers Tommy & Yvette Stafford back in 2021 holding the first and last issues of the printed version of Nelson County Life Magazine.

April 1, 2021 we made the decision 16 years in the print business had been enough. It was another bittersweet moment, but kids were growing, times were changing and those monthly print deadlines, 193 of them in all, were wearing us down. So with our final issue we called it quits for the printed edition.

The cover of our final issue saying so long to the print edition on April 1, 2021. Click on the image above to read that last issue.
Photo By Kate Simon : When we started in 2005 it was just use two and the dogs. Now there’s Peyton on the left who is 12 now and Adam on the right who is 14.

We really wouldn’t change much in those years. It was an exciting ride, and still is! We’re still here, just not in the printed edition.

We thank each and every one of you for staying with us for nearly 2 decades. Let’s see what the next 20 years will bring! No foolin’!




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