Freezing Rain and Icy Conditions In Part Of Area Closes Schools For Some

Veronika Nicholaison of Afton, Virginia in Nelson County sent us this photo around 7:40 AM Thursday morning. Freezing rain became a problem, particularly in the higher elevations. December 15, 2022
Veronika Nicholaison of Afton, Virginia in Nelson County sent us this photo around 7:40 AM Thursday morning. Freezing rain became a problem, particularly in the higher elevations. December 15, 2022

Nelson County, Virginia

By Tommy Stafford

Predictions of freezing rain and icing conditions happened around daylight Thursday morning. That caused Nelson County Public Schools to make the decision to close for the day, as did nearby Augusta.

While most of the roads down in the valley portions of the county were ok, it was in the mountains where the roads were becoming slick, spurring the decision to cancel schools.

Sally Walters from Devils Knob at Wintergreen Resort (appx 3500′) sent us this photo around 8:30 Thursday morning, calling it a “Winter Wonderland!”

There were a few traffic accidents across the area likely due to wet and sometimes icing conditions.

All in all it affected the higher elevations more than anywhere else.

Many of our Facebook followers were talking about conditions across the area.

All in all the majority of problems have been encountered in the higher elevations. As the day wears on most places change to just a plain old rain. But some spots in the highest of elevations in the mountains will be very slow, if at all, to get above freezing.


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