North Branch School Students Headed To San Antonio In National KidWind Competition

Photo courtesy of North Branch School : Members of the NBS Wind Team will be headed to the Kid Wind competition in San Antonio, TX later this month.
Photo courtesy of North Branch School : Members of the NBS Wind Team will be headed to the KidWind competition in San Antonio, TX later this month.

Nelson County, Virginia

A team of North Branch School 7th- and 8th-graders qualified to travel to the national KidWind competition being held in San Antonio, Texas in mid-May. They will test and demonstrate their wind turbine design, present their process to the judges, and answer judges’ questions.

North Branch sent three teams to the regional competition at JMU in March and two of those teams qualified for the state competition held in Petersburg at the end of April. From that event, one team qualified to represent Virginia at the national competition, which is part of a larger conference on wind energy.

Such an exciting opportunity for these students and for North Branch School.  They are currently raising funds to send 5 students and 1 teacher to Texas. The estimated cost for airfare, accommodations, and ground transportation is between $1,200-$1,500 for each individual.  Anyone interested in supporting this amazing opportunity may donate here:

Anyone interested in supporting this amazing opportunity may also contact Bonnie Holliday,


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