Wintergreen Emergency Management Searching For Lost Hiker (LOCATED) Story Updated

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Nelson County, Virginia

From Wintergreen Emergency Management:

At approximately 6 o-clock this evening (Wednesday 3.2.22) the missing hiker was found. She sustained minor injuries.

Over 20 Wintergreen residents showed up immediately to help searching. Citizen volunteer searchers located the hiker.

Almost all Wintergreen trails, as well as the Old Appalachian and Current Appalachian Trail were searched from Reeds Gap to Humpback Rocks. In total, the event lasted 8 hours and involved roughly 80 responders.

Special thanks to Wilson Volunteer Fire Department, Wintergreen Road Maintenance, and Virginia Department of Emergency Management for assisting Wintergreen Police, Fire, and Rescue on this call.

Previous original release

Wintergreen Emergency Management teams are searching for a lost hiker. The hiker has been missing since mid morning. She may not be fully aware of her surroundings or sense of direction.

If you are at Wintergreen, and you are used to hiking our difficult trails, we would love to have your help. Please report immediately to our command post on Laurel Springs Drive at the helicopter landing zone.

Bring water, food, and a flashlight, as well as appropriate clothing for the assignment. We will issue an update when she is found.


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