Many Areas Still Without Power After Winter Storm – Repairs Continue

Photo courtesy of CVEC : A lineman works to restore power along a damaged section of power lines after a a heavy wet snow on January 3rd took out electricity to tens of thousands of customers across part of Virginia.
Photo courtesy of CVEC : A lineman works to restore power along a damaged section of lines after a a heavy wet snow on January 3rd took out electricity to tens of thousands of customers across parts of Virginia.

Central Virginia Blue Ridge
By Tommy Stafford

Power crews continue working long hours to get the lights back on for people living in the Central Virginia Blue Ridge.

As of 7:30 AM Wednesday morning (January 5th) just under 14,000 people were still without power on the CVEC system across the area. This does not include those without power on neighboring systems such as AEP and Dominion. You can click on the image above to see the lates updates from CVEC’s outage map.

To see the latest outage map from AEP in the Lovingston, Virginia area, click here. You can enter your zip code on their map to view a different area.

Image capture from Dominion Power : As of 7:40 AM Wednesday (January5th) Dominion Power was showing just over 17,000 customers still in the dark in Albemarle County. Click on image above to see the latest updates.

The task of restoring power has been a tough one since ice and snow still cover the ground making it very difficult to get into many of the remote areas where trees are across power lines or broken poles.


Central Virginia Electric has been posting continuous updates on their Facebook page through the recovery from the storm.

Since so many people have been without power during the very cold weather, many warming shelters have been opened across the area. 

Attention is now also being focused on another approaching storm Thursday night. Though this storm doesn’t look as bad as the one from a few days ago, the ground is much colder now and anything that falls will more easily stick. It also makes the ongoing electrical repairs more of a challenge.

More updates as we have them.


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