Nelson : Another Day, Another Semi(s) Stuck On Reeds Gap

Photo Courtesy of Wintergreen Fire & Rescue : Two semi trucks got stuck side by side Wednesday morning on Reeds Gap (Route 664). This is just one of many that's happened this year at the crossing. October 21, 2020
Photo Courtesy of Wintergreen Fire & Rescue : Two semi trucks got stuck side by side Wednesday morning on Reeds Gap (Route 664). This is just one of many that’s happened this year at the crossing. October 21, 2020

Reeds Gap
Blue Ridge Parkway
Near the Nelson / Augusta County Line

By Tommy Stafford

For years we’ve been telling you about the problem with semi trucks getting stuck on mountain crossings here in Nelson. Lately that number seems to be on the increase. Wintergreen Fire & Rescue Chief Curtis Sheets says it’s easily been over a dozen this year.

“If you include Brents that’s absolutely true for past 90 days.”

Chief Sheets is referring to the mountain at Brents Gap where the problem is just about as bad.

Wednesday morning’s was unique this time around. Two semi trucks were stuck side by side at Reeds Gap.

It became quite the discussion on our Facebook page. (Click on the comment icon below the post to see discussion.)

And from our Twitter page.

Chief Sheets said it’s apparently now gotten the attention of VDOT.

“A lot of them end up handled by admin either coming to work or going home. So, they don’t all get logged. We believe we have handled 11 in the past 90 days. VDOT called and asked the same question.”

Here’s some archives from other events on Reeds Gap and Brents Gap.

We’ll update as we know more on what, if any, resolutions will be in the works.


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