Nelson : Wintergreen : Legit Mid-April Snow Hits The Mountains

Thanks to Bob Clouston of Wintergreen for this beautiful photo of a 3-4" snowfall that fell in the Blue Ridge Mountains of Central Virginia - Wednesday - April 15, 2020
Thanks to Bob Clouston of Wintergreen, VA for this beautiful photo of a 3-4″ snowfall that fell in the Blue Ridge Mountains of Central Virginia in Nelson County – Wednesday – April 15, 2020

Nelson County, Virginia

Just a few days ago our BRL-WeatherNow Net registered a temperature just below 80 degrees, today the mountains of Nelson and nearby counties in Central Virginia got a 3 to 4 inch snow!

The snow wasn’t unexpected and folks in the lowlands even got a dusting in some places.

We’ll be back to the mid 60s by this weekend and in the 70s again next week! But it sure was pretty to see!


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