Coronavirus Information Here At BRL : And Moving Forward

To read the entire Virginia Governor's Executive Order released on Monday - March 23rd, click on the image above.
To read the entire Virginia Governor’s Executive Order released on Monday – March 23rd, click on the image above.

Nelson County, Virginia
By Tommy Stafford

Two months ago, who would have ever thought we’d be where we are now? But we are. And for the foreseeable future this is how it will be. I hesitated to post much before now. Between getting ready to hunker down some for the weeks ahead and simply not knowing what I was going to post, I gave it a few days.

Facebook wasn’t around when we started BRL or this website. Well, it was sort of around, but it was still in its infancy and they didn’t know what they really had yet. That’s obviously been a big help during the Coronavirus2020, but it’s overwhelming at times with the flow of information. Some accurate, some, not so much.

When Yvette and I founded Blue Ridge Life (back then Nelson County Life) in 2005 we didn’t envision it as a hard news publication, nor was the website supposed to ever be that way. But we found in the early 2000’s there was a lack of information coming out during natural disaster out breaking news situations. So, we started posting relevant information about things when needed. The derecho, the blizzards, and more. We all made it through those times, and people before us made it through even worse times. But this isn’t going to be particularly fun.

Starting today we are using this site as a platform to push pertinent information out from officials, business owners and the like. I highly encourage you to start sending information you want pushed out to our main email address: We will post it as quickly as possible, then share it to all of our social media platforms.

I also highly encourage you to download our mobile app. We’ve had that in use for about a year now and it’s where everything that’s urgent is immediately pushed to your smartphone. The links to download up on the upper right part of this page your are reading now. We have versions for both Iphone  IOS and your Android devices.

Here’s a link to Nelson County’s government page on coronovirus.

We will embed many things in posts here as well, like this food pickup announcement from RVCC below and Nelson County, just above.

There are many specific groups targeted at certain parts of the county and the county itself, and they are good to get some info as people observe and put out information. Nelson Knows has become a popular by invite social media group that’s essentially crowd sourced. We will try to re-share as much of that as possible as we move forward when we can.

Here’s a great partial list sent out recently by The Monroe Institute to people living nearby. There are others participating and if you want me to add you to the list, just drop me us an email and I’ll get it up.

Thanks to Ann Strober of Nellysford for forwarding this information from Monroe:

“A quick update to say that the local vendors below will not be participating in the Shenandoah Foods/Local Food Hub/4P program, but will also have their products available for pick up on Thursdays at RVCC. Please contact the vendors directly for more information about available products and how to place your order.

Caromont Farm Goat and Cow Milk Cheeses http://www.caromontcheese.comm

Double H Farms Farm Raised Pork, fresh seasonal vegetables

Gathered Threads Fresh herb bunches, Dried Herbal Teas, Spices & Spice Mixes, Herbal Remedy Kits, Herbal Body Products. Small Batch Fermented Sauerkrauts, Kimchis, and more – made with organically sourced vegetables. Some seasonal produce. Order by email at and pay by credit card.

Goodwin Creek Farm & Bakery Fresh baked breads

Little Hat Creek Farm & Bakery (Wednesday pickup only, contact Heather for more info) Seasonal vegetables, Fresh baked bread

Additionally, if you want to get local meat delivered to your home, River Oak Farm has amazing pork, chicken, and beef and they deliver to Afton/Crozet/Nellysford on different days of the week. You can shop for their products and find delivery info here: River Oak Farm Shop.

Let’s give these awesome local farms and food producers the support they need right now!”


Once final thing as far as scheduled events in our calendar online. Many of these were entered months ago for for future dates. Many have been canceled. Your absolute best bet is to contact the event organizer direct and make sure the event is still taking place. Obviously not much of anything will happen over the next month due to the governor’s executive order. 


Let’s all stay in touch and keep updated as much as we can in the coming days and months.


More to come!




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