Happy Anniversary : BRL Turns 14 Years Old Today!

©2005-2019 Blue Ridge Life Magazine : Above top it was just Tommy & Yvette Stafford as they prepared to launch our charter publication, Nelson County Life that eventually became Blue Ridge Life Magazine some years later. Above bottom, the BRL crew grew to now include Junior Publishers Peyton & Adam.
©2005-2019 Blue Ridge Life Magazine : Above top it was just Tommy & Yvette Stafford as they prepared to launch our charter publication, Nelson County Life that eventually became Blue Ridge Life Magazine some years later. Above bottom, the BRL crew grew to now include Junior Publishers Peyton & Adam. We started as a mom & pop operation and have remained a that same locally owned publication to this day.

Nelson County, Virginia

The year was 2005. The date, April 1st. That’s when it all started. Nelson County Life Magazine was our charter publication that eventually expanded into Blue Ridge Life, and these days covers the Central VA Blue Ridge area.

We’ve been copied. Imitated, and on and on. We haven’t changed. It’s still just us. Mom and pop. Yvette and I started this magazine as a family operation a dozen years ago today. Fast forward to 2017 it’s still a family operation joined now by our son Adam in 2008 and daughter Peyton in 2010. We still live, work and play right here in the Blue Ridge, based in Nelson County.

Click on our Facebook album above to see more photos from the year it all began!

We couldn’t have made any of this possible without your support. The readers. And we definitely couldn’t have done it without the support of our advertisers. Many of them that started on day one are still with us 14 years later to this very day. We thank you greatly for your continued confidence and friendship.

Lots has changed in this past 14 years. We haven’t. Though we’ve updated with the times like ou new fancy smartphone app for Iphone or Android, we’re the same people you got to know way back then.

We love you all and look forward to the next 14!

Tommy, Yvette, Adam & Peyton


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