Rodes Valley Drive (Area)
Nelson County, Virginia
Updated 6:15 AM – 2.15.19
Area safe. Apparent shooter found dead. More details to released by VSP soon.
This story has been updated in this additional post. Click here to view.
Updated 2.15.19 12:45 AM :
We have no detailed updates on the situation in Nellysford regarding the woman who was shot on Thursday evening. However we do know law enforcement continues to have a very heavy presence on the Rodes Valley Dr. area of Stoney Creek. More inform
Updated : Nellysford Shooting : Updated 10:46 PM EST Jay Roberts : Exec Dir of Wintergreen Property Owners Assoc
“A woman in her mid 40’s drove to the Wintergreen Fire Station in Stoney Creek. She had been shot multiple times. She is not a resident of Stoney Creek. We do not know the exact shooting location. She was flown to UVA Medical Center. The suspect is still at large as far as we know.”

10:15 PM :
Sheriff David Hill “We have a perimeter, waiting on VSP tactical team, No description at this time.”
Law enforcement are in the process of setting up a perimeter in the area of Rodes Valley Drive near Nellysford of Nelson County. BRL has learned a victim has been shot and is en route to UVa. Stoney Creek residents are being asked to leave exterior lights on and to stay indoors. A subsequent shot was heard by a deputy at the scene … the suspect is still at large.