Taste Of Winter This Past Wednesday Morning – Possibly More Significant System Late Weekend

Photo By Jade Sonne : Drivers were having a tough time making it over Brents Gap Wednesday morning in Nelson County along Route 151. Between 1-2 inches of snow fell causing some schools to either close or delay opening. December 5, 2018
Photo By Jade Sonne : Drivers were having a tough time making it over Brents Gap Wednesday morning in Nelson County along Route 151. Between 1-2 inches of snow fell causing some schools to either close or delay opening. December 5, 2018

Central Virginia Blue Ridge

Folks across the Blue Ridge awoke to a taste of winter on Wednesday morning as a quick moving system dropped anywhere from 1 to 2 inches of snow across the area. The greater amounts were in neighboring Amherst County where schools were cancelled.

By noon Wednesday any remaining snow had melted from roadways and winter advisories had expired or been canceled.

The next round of wintry weather may arrive during the second half of this coming weekend. More details on that in this post by clicking here.


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