Buckingham : Theresa “Red” Terry MVP Tree Sitter Talks To People At Union Hill Church (Video)

©2018 Blue Ridge Life Magazine : Photo & Videography By Yvette Stafford : Theresa “Red” Terry speaks with BRL's Yvette Stafford Monday night at Union Hill Church in Buckingham County - May 7, 2018.
©2018 Blue Ridge Life Magazine : Photo & Videography By Yvette Stafford : Theresa “Red” Terry (left) and her daughter Theresa Minor Terry speak with BRL’s Yvette Stafford Monday night at Union Hill Church in Buckingham County – May 7, 2018.

Union Hill Church
Buckingham County, Virginia

For over a month in all kinds of weather Theresa “Red” Terry perched in a tree on her property to stop workers with the Mountain Valley Pipeline from cutting trees to start construction of the highly controversial pipeline. Though not related a similar project, the Atlantic Coast Pipeline is also meeting opposition. After more than 30 days in the tree Red finally came down last week after WaPo Red Comes Down

Above in this video, Red and her daughter talk to Yvette Stafford about her wish for what might happen with the MVP.

Red may have come down from the tree, but she’s not being quiet about her ordeal and what she’s been facing. Monday night she spoke to dozens of people that gathered at Union Hill Church in Buckingham County about what’s happened so far.


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