Check Out Our Handy Online Events Calendar For All Of The Upcoming Fall Festivals & Happenings

Above just a small sample of events listed in our online calendar. Click on the image above to see the full calendar.
Above just a small sample of events listed in our online calendar. Click on the image above to see the full calendar.

Central Virginia Blue Ridge
As we start heading into the fall season the festivals get into full swing across the Blue Ridge. You don’t have to search all over the place to find out what’s going on. Just hit up our handy Blue Ridge Life online events calendar. Everything is in one spot and broken down by date and time. You can even search for your favorite events easily!

It’s easy to find our online calendar. Just look under the banner at the top of our website in the third column and there it is just to the right of Tommy’s Weather. “Event Calendar.”
And for those of you that already have our smartphone app for iphone or droid already know how easy it is to access our online calendar there too!

Don’t already have our smartphone app? Just click on the link for your specific phone above and get it now. It’s free!

And if you have an event you want to get in our online calendar, that’s easy too. Same spot, just pick “Submit an Event” and your own your way to reaching thousands and thousands of readers each week that check our calendar out frequently. Many of our online events also get published in the print edition as space allows.

So stop spending all day hunting around in cyberspace for upcoming festivals or events and find them all right here!


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