Faber : Cyclist Martin Versluys Greatly Improving After Major Traffic Accident On May 18th : Update

Anyone in the Nelson area knows this biker, Martin Versluys, co-owner of The Acron Inn B & B rides each year in the race.
Photo By Paul Purpura : Martin Versluys in this 2009 file photo working his way to the top in the Wintergreen Ascent bike race.

Nelson County, Virginia

Back on May 18th we told you about the major traffic accident Nelson cyclist Martin Versluys was in. His injuries were severe and he’s been at UVA ever since, much of that time in surgery and ICU.

We are happy to report Martin is improving daily and has been making great strides!

Wednesday night around 9PM we got a very positive update via his wife Kathy through a friend.

“Martin just now, took a walk around the nurses quarters, like he had been doing pre-surgery. This time they had him use a walker (with all-too-familiar squeeze brakes) and an oxygen tank. He walked two loops (at a high rate of speed), out the front ICU doors, past the family lounge, returning through the back ICU doors. Gotta say, it was the first time today he looked a bit more chipper. (And, I’ll tell ya, seeing him striding right through the enormous double doors, past that red EXIT sign gave ME a boost.)

We’re looking forward to getting past all this scary business, back to a normal life.”

A YouCaring site has been set up for Martin as well to help offset the expenses they are incurring while he’s down. As of this post around $8000.00 of a 14.5K goal has been raised.

We will keep you updated as we get updates.

Continue the great improvement Martin!


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