Above, Richard Averitt of Nelson County, Virginia speaks to Yvette Stafford of BRL about the sign he and friends installed along Route 151 just south of Nellysford on Sunday afternoon May 7, 2017. Click play to watch now.
Near Nellysford
Nelson County, Virginia
A few weeks ago we told you about Richard’s Averitt’s Burn the Easement Challenge.
This past Sunday Richard continued his fight and pointed it directly at Dominion CEO Tom Farrell.
“This series of signs sends a message that calls out Tom Ferall who’s the CEO of Dominion and points out that this specific piece of land. They’re trying to take this piece of land for their own profits to put in a pipeline,” Richard told BRL Sunday morning.

“This sign calls that out and lets people know that are visiting Bold Rock or driving up and down 151 and who love this area that this is exactly where we are talking about ruining our county.
We wanted to make it clear and make a big statement, and to let them know that we will not back down and we’re gonna fight.”