Nelson’s Kaleigh Smith Represents UVA’S Virginia Alpine Ski & Snowboard Association In Nationals

Photos courtesy of Kaleigh Smith and team : Kaleigh Smith of Roseland, Virginia and a 2nd year RN nursing student at UVA, stands atop one of the many slppes she competed on this past week in Bend, Oregon at the ????? nationals.
Photos courtesy of Kaleigh Smith and team : Kaleigh Smith of Roseland, Virginia and a 2nd year RN nursing student at UVA, stands atop one of the many slppes she competed on this past week in Bend, Oregon at the ????? nationals.
Photos courtesy of Kaleigh Smith and team : Kaleigh Smith of Roseland, Virginia and a 2nd year nursing student at UVA, stands atop one of the many slopes in Bend, Oregon at the United States Collegiate Ski & Snowboard Association national championships.

Bend, Oregon &
Roseland, Virginia

“I was overjoyed when I found out I placed 5th, that was definitely the highlight of my week and the event I felt most confident in. I am so proud of my team for taking home 3rd overall in the nation, everyone really pulled their weight and it showed at the end of the week.” That’s how Kaleigh Smith of Roseland in Nelson County, Virginia described her week out in Bend, Oregon as part of the 12 UVA students that took part in the Alpine Ski & Snowboard Association Nationals. (VASST) She talked to us early Sunday evening just after touching back down at Reagan International from her flight back east.

Kaleigh Smith of Roseland, Virginia receiving her award. She placed 5th overall in the nation for rail jam.
Kaleigh Smith of Roseland, Virginia receiving her award. She placed 5th overall in the nation for rail jam.
The UVA team with their plates (awards) out in Bend, Oregon. The team of 12, part of a group they refer to as the "Dirty South" placed 3rd overall at the nationals held this past week.
The team of 12 – representing The University of Virginia and the southeast conference with their plates (awards) out in Bend, Oregon. They placed 3rd overall in the nationals. The UVA team is part of a conference they refer to as the “Dirty South.”

“This year was my first time at regionals and nationals and also my first time out west! Bachelor got 3 feet of snow throughout the week and 29 inches in the first 3 days. Riding in powder like that was incredible. We did get one day of rain but it cleared up Friday and Mt.Bachelor is absolutely spectacular. I’m extremely thankful for my team and family for helping make this trip possible and was really proud to represent UVA at such a big competition,” Kaleigh continued.

Kaleigh Smith of Roseland, Virginia doing her thing at a rail jam earlier in the season at Bryce Resort.
Kaleigh Smith of Roseland, Virginia doing her thing at a rail jam earlier in the season at Bryce Resort.
The UVA team is part of the Southeast Conference. They refer to themselves as Dirty South.
The UVA team is part of the Southeast Conference. They refer to themselves as Dirty South.
The lady boarders from the UVA team this past week out in Bend, Oregon. Kaleigh Smith of Roseland, Virginia is in the center  - back.
The lady boarders from the UVA team this past week out in Bend, Oregon. Kaleigh Smith of Roseland, Virginia is in the center – back.
One of the views from the slopes in Bend, Oregon at this past week's competition.
One of the views from the slopes in Bend, Oregon at this past week’s competition.

Kaleigh tells us she started snowboarding in late middle school and really got into park (terrain park) in high school. She didn’t start competing until college. And what’s next? “I’ll keep going to snowflex at Liberty to keep learning new tricks during the off season and for now, hope for more snow!”

Congrats Kaleigh and the entire UVA team!


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