Roads Areawide Covered In Ice : Warmer Moving In Now! (Update 8:45 AM)

Photo By Freda Jackson : Traffic was at a standstill on the road toward Martins Grocery in Waynesboro Saturday morning as roads were covered in ice. According to Freda the road was closed just after 7:30 - Saturday - December 17, 2016
Photo By Freda Jackson : Traffic was at a standstill on the road toward Martins Grocery in Waynesboro Saturday morning as roads were covered in ice. According to Freda the road was closed just after 7:30  - Saturday - December 17, 2016
Photo By Freda Jackson : Traffic was at a standstill toward Martins Grocery in Waynesboro Saturday morning as roads were covered in ice. According to Freda this road (at the time) was closed just after 7:30 AM – Saturday – December 17, 2016

Central Virginia Blue Ridge Area & Shenandoah Valley

As Tommy mentioned in his most recent forecast, a light coating of ice fell across the area in the predawn hours Saturday morning causing a big mess on roadways across the region. At one point the Virginia State Police had 18 accidents in Augusta County alone waiting to be worked with more coming in.

Temps will warm above freezing everywhere by late morning to noon, allowing roadways to thaw.

Just plain rain and warmer temps are expected through the remainder of the weekend.


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