Nelson : Wintergreen Performing Arts : Blue Ridge Mountain Music Festival 2016 (Video)

©2016 Blue Ridge Life Magazine : Photos By Tommy Stafford : Members of the Whitetop Mountain Band on stage at the 11th Annual Blue Ridge Mountain Music Festival at Wintergreen Resort, Virginia.
©2016 Blue Ridge Life Magazine : Photos By Tommy Stafford : Members of the Whitetop Mountain Band on stage at the 11th Annual Blue Ridge Mountain Music Festival at Wintergreen Resort, Virginia.

Wintergreen Resort
Nelson County, Virginia

It was an afternoon of clapping, foot stomping, and singing at the 11th Annual Blue Ridge Mountain Music Festival held at Wintergreen Resort this past Saturday. Wintergreen Performing Arts holds the event each August.

Above, Martha Spencer with Whitetop Mountain Band clogs across the stage at the 2016 Blue Ridge Mountain Music Festival at Wintergreen Resort, Virginia on Saturday – August 13, 2016

Blue Ridge Life Publisher Tommy Stafford was back as the emcee of the event. This marked his 10th year on stage introducing the musicians.

Above on of the many jam sessions held throughout the day in a nearby tent. It gave local musicians, amateurs and pros alike, the chance to play in a laid back atmosphere.

It was a great day with lots of sun and fun!

See you next year in 2017!


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