Blue Ridge Life Donates To RVCC Green Initiative Program

©2016 Blue Ridge Life Magazine : Photo By Tommy Stafford : BRL Publisher Yvette Stafford presents check for 1000.00 dollars to Stu Mills the Executive Director of Rockfish Valley Community Center on Monday - July 25, 2016. The money is a part of an outpouring of financial support over the past 10 days after the center's board unanimously agreed to return a $20,000.00 grant to the Dominion Foundation.
©2016 Blue Ridge Life Magazine : Photo By Tommy Stafford : BRL Publisher Yvette Stafford presents check for $1000.00 dollars to Stu Mills, the Executive Director of Rockfish Valley Community Center on Monday, July 25, 2016. The money is a part of a local outpouring of financial support over the past 10 days. RVCC board’s unanimously voted to return a $20,000 grant to the Dominion Foundation.

Afton / Greenfield
Nelson County, Virginia

When we stopped in to drop off our check to Stu Mills on Monday afternoon, he was busy at his computer reviewing a spreadsheet and going through a stack of checks people in the community had sent. “The response has been overwhelming. It’s very heartening to see the generosity,” Stu said.

BRL presented a check for $1000 to help raise the funds necessary to complete a windows project at RVCC.

Stu is asking anyone that still has pledged money to please send it in by August 1st. He went on to say that he’s confident they will have more than enough to match the Perry Foundation Grant of $20,000. On or before the first of the month.


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