News Alert – Nelson: Female Body Discovered In Massies Mill Area : ID Released : 6:30 PM


Massies Mill
Nelson County, Virginia

Update: 6:30pm from NCSO

The Nelson County Sheriff has identified the female body found in Massie Mill area as Samantha Rena Tyree, a 29 year old female from Shipman Virginia. The case is being worked by the Nelson County Sheriff’s Office Criminal Investigations Division. No further information is available at this time

Nelson County Sheriff David Hill has confirmed that a female body was located Monday evening in the Massies Mill area of Nelson County.

The entire information release. Below.

Captain Robert New with NCSO says this is not the body of missing teen Alexis Murphy:

“THIS BODY IS NOT MS MURPHY. We will provide additional information upon notification of the next of kin.”



  1. Prayers going out to the family and friends of this young lady. what a terrible thing this family has to go through.


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