NEWS ALERT : Augusta: Gusty Winds & Low Humidity Fuel Wildfire : Updated 9:52 PM

Photo By Sandy Berry : Fire still burning at St. Marys in Vesuvius, Virginia just before 10PM Thursday night - March 17, 2016. Photo taken near Raphine.
Photo By Sandy Berry : Fire still burning at St. Marys in Vesuvius, Virginia just before 10PM Thursday night - March 17, 2016.  Photo taken near Raphine.
Photo By Sandy Berry : Fire still burning at St. Marys in Vesuvius, Virginia just before 10PM Thursday night – March 17, 2016. Photo taken near Raphine.
Photo By Carole Painter : A large mountain fire can be seen late Thursday afternoon between Lofton and Montebello heading down the Nelson County side.
Photo By Carole Painter : A large mountain fire can be seen late Thursday afternoon around 4 PM between Lofton and Montebello heading down the Nelson County side.

Near Montebello
Nelson County, Virginia

Original post from 4:54 PM – 3.17.16
BRL has learned of a wildfire is underway in the mountains near the St. Mary’s Wilderness area. Many reports put it on the Augusta side, but Carole Painter that sent us the photo above said it looks like “it’s between Lofton and Montebello heading down the Nelson County side.” as well.

BRL has confirmed with the Virginia Department of Forestry in Charlotteville that the fire is not a controlled or prescribed burn and is on US Forestry property.

Photos courtesy of Raphine VFC. #stmarysfire

Posted by Nelson Mag on Thursday, March 17, 2016

You asked us about this fire: here are some answers. Can you see the smoke where you are?

Posted by WHSV – TV 3 on Thursday, March 17, 2016

According to WHSV in Harrisonburg:

Wildfire-fighting units and aircraft with the U.S. Forest Service and local firefighters and rescuers went to a forest fire in the Saint Mary’s Wilderness inside the George Washington National Forest.

The fire was called in around 2:30 p.m. on Thursday. The site appeared to be near the up-slope end of the mountainous St. Mary’s Road, perhaps a mile or two north of the Blue Ridge Parkway’s Bald Mountain Overlook [ map ]. The fire area was around four miles west of Sherando Lake Recreation Area and about seven miles west of the Wintergreen Resort.”

Look at all that smoke towards Nelson County!

Posted by The Cheese Shop on Thursday, March 17, 2016

Above The Cheese Shop in Augusta County shared these photos to Facebook.

More as we kknow.


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