Local Nelson Lawyer Daniel Rutherford Says He’s Definitely Seeking Commonwealth Attorney Position

Publicity Photo : Local Nelson Attorney Daniel Rutherford says he will seek the vacant seat opening up as the result of Anthony Martin's resignation. Martin was recently reelected to the office but says he will leave in a few weeks.
Publicity Photo : Local Nelson Attorney Daniel Rutherford says he will seek the vacant seat opening up as the result of Anthony Martin's resignation. Martin was recently reelected to the office but says he will leave in a few weeks.
Publicity Photo : Local Nelson Attorney Daniel Rutherford says he will seek the vacant seat opening up as the result of Anthony Martin’s resignation. Martin was recently reelected to the office but says he will leave in a few weeks.

Nelson County, Virginia

Daniel Rutherford says he’s definitely going after the Commonwealth Attorney’s (CA) seat being opened up as a result of current CA Anthony Martin’s pending resignation. As BRL and our media partners over at CBS-19 first broke last week, Martin says he will resign soon.

We were able to confirm that Rutherford was still interested in the seat last Friday.

Rutherford ran against Martin in 2011 as the republican contender but fell short of the win. When contacted over the weekend, Rutherford said with Martin now leaving office, it’s a natural to go after the seat he originally wanted. “If elected I want to maintain the ongoing professionalism within the Commonwealth Attorney’s office. The past few years since my original run have given me lots of additional experience. Along with a successful legal practice in criminal defense that’s put me in the courtroom very often I have been serving as Chief of Military Justice (lead prosecutor) in my army reserve brigade.” He also has served as the special trial counsel (prosecutor) for his brigade’s higher command often, being called in on military cases in Atlanta in his capacity as a reservist.

Rutherford says whenever discussing prosecutorial experience in the military he has to be clear that,

“The military information provided does not imply endorsement by the Department of Defense or their particular Military Department to this campaign.”

One big thing Rutherford wants out front is his opposition to the current pipeline proposed to run through Nelson County. “This is a clear property rights issue and one I am opposed to. I’ve already been representing my own family in this fight in my law practice and my position won’t change as Commonwealth Attorney if I am successfully elected.”

Jerry Gress the current Assistant Commonwealth Attorney will serve as the interim Commonwealth Attorney until a special election is held to pick a successor to the office permanently.

BRL is hearing others are interested in seeking the office, but Rutherford is the only one that has confirmed it so far. He says he will have an official announcement in the coming days. As soon as others announce or reach out to us, we will post their information.

In full disclosure, The Rutherford Law Firm is an active advertiser in the printed edition of Blue Ridge Life Magazine.


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