News Alert : I-64 WB Closed Near MM 104 Due To Tractor Trailer Accident : Updated 4:46 PM

Photo Via CBS-19 The Newsplex : Westbound I-64 is closed due to a tractor trailer accident around the 104 mile marker.
Photo Via CBS-19 The Newsplex : Westbound I-64 is closed due to a tractor trailer accident around the 104 mile marker.
Photo Via CBS-19 The Newsplex : Westbound I-64 is closed due to a tractor trailer accident around the 104 mile marker.

I-64 Near MM 104
Western Albemarle County, VA

Updated 4:46 PM 6.30.15

“Virginia State Police Trooper P.J.B. Serkes is investigating the two-vehicle crash that occurred at approximately 12:39 p.m. Tuesday (June 30) in Albemarle County. The crash occurred on Interstate 64 near the 104 mile marker.

A tractor-trailer was traveling west on I-64 at a slow speed due to the incline in the highway when it was rear-ended by a second tractor-trailer traveling behind it. The impact of the crash ruptured the second tractor-trailer’s fuel tank causing the second tractor-trailer to catch fire.

The driver of the first tractor trailer, a 22-year-old Pennsylvania man, was not injured in the crash. The tractor-trailer was loaded with men’s body wash/cologne.

The driver of the second tractor-trailer, Ismael Lopez-Gonzalez, 41, of Chester, Va., suffered a minor injury and was transported to Augusta Health for treatment. Lopez-Gonzalez was charged with reckless driving. The tractor-trailer was hauling medical supplies.

The westbound lanes of I-64 are closed as the burned debris is cleaned up and removed…and should remain closed for another hour. Motorists are advised to plan for delays as a detour is in place.

The eastbound lanes are open.

Corinne N. Geller
Public Relations Director
Virginia State Police”

“At 12:39 p.m., Virginia State Police were called to the scene of a two-vehicle crash in the westbound lanes of I-64 near the 104 mile marker. Two tractor-trailers collided. No injuries to either driver.

Corinne N. Geller
Public Relations Director
Virginia State Police”

More info to follow

#BREAKING – We don't have a lot of information about this at this time, but we are trying to learn more. Drivers should…

Posted by Charlottesville Newsplex – CBS19 ABC16 FOX27 on Tuesday, June 30, 2015


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