Wintergreen Resort Holds Memorial Day Meeting About Pipeline

©2015 Blue Ridge Life : Photo By Paul Purpura : Over 500 people packed the meeting room at Wintergreen on Memorial Day to learn more about the proposed pipeline that will go through areas in an near the resort.
©2015 Blue Ridge Life : Photo By Paul Purpura : Over 500 people packed the meeting room at Wintergreen on Memorial Day to learn more about the proposed pipeline that will go through areas in an near the resort.
©2015 Blue Ridge Life : Photo By Paul Purpura : Over 500 people packed the meeting room at Wintergreen on Memorial Day to learn more about the proposed pipeline that will go through areas in an near the resort.

Wintergreen Resort
Nelson County, Virginia

Residents and property owners at Wintergreen Resort joined forces Memorial Day to listen to information about a proposed Dominion pipeline that will go through parts of the resort and nearby properties. Opposition to the pipeline has been fierce in Nelson.

Business owners and residents of the Wintergreen Resort area met this morning to talk about the Atlantic Coast Pipeline.

Posted by Charlottesville Newsplex – CBS19 ABC16 FOX27 on Monday, May 25, 2015

Above, Reporter Colleen Quigley with our media partners at CBS-19 talks more about the Memorial Day meeting at Wintergreen.


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