Vasco Wright Wins Democratic Caucus In Nelson Sheriff’s Race – Will Face Contenders In November Election

Sgt. Vasco Wright, a long time supervisory with the Nelson County Sheriff's Department is the second candidate to make his run for the office.
Sgt. Vasco Wright, a long time supervisor with the Nelson County  Sheriff's Department is the second candidate to make his run for the office.
Sgt. Vasco Wright, a long time supervisor with the Nelson County Sheriff’s Department successfully won the democratic nomination Tuesday evening as a candidate for sheriff. He will face off against other contenders in the November general election.

Nelson County, Virginia

Sgt. Vasco Wright successfully won the democratic nod Tuesday evening as that party’s candidate to run for Sheriff of Nelson County in the November general election against several other candidates. Wright opposed Lt. Billy Mays who is currently an investigator with the Nelson Sheriff’s Office. Wright won the contest getting 229 votes with Mays getting 117, according to information provided to BRLM via Sharon Ponton. She had been in touch with the party co-chair Marilyn Mars who passed the information on.

Back in late January, current two term sheriff David Brooks announced he would not see a third term and would be retiring at the end of 2015. A number of candidates have announced since then. Wright will face a yet to be announced republican nominee (if selected) and any other candidates that decide to run independently.

Nelson Sheriff's Investigator Billy Mays says he is still in the race despite losing the democratic caucus Tuesday night.
Nelson Sheriff’s Investigator Billy Mays says he is still in the race despite losing the democratic caucus Tuesday night.

After the Tuesday night loss in the caucus, Lt. Mays contacted BRLM and said, “I will be running as an independent candidate in November general election for Nelson County Sheriff.”


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