So Long Winter – Wintergreen Holds Annual Splash & Dash (Video Included)

©2015 Blue Ridge Life Magazine : Photos By BRLM Mountain Photographer Paul Purpura : The unofficial end to the winter skiing season at Wintergreen Resort was capped off Saturday - March 21, 2015 - with their annual Splash & Dash, otherwise known as Pond Skimming. Boarders and skiers tried to make it across a wide open vat of nothing but water. Some made it. Sadly, Superman (Nathan Armstrong that works in the rental shop at Wintergreen) wasn't one of them.
©2015 Blue Ridge Life Magazine : Photos By BRLM Mountain Photographer Paul Purpura : The unofficial end to the winter skiing season at Wintergreen Resort was capped off Saturday – March 21, 2015 – with their annual Splash & Dash, otherwise known as Pond Skimming. Boarders and skiers tried to make it across a wide open vat of nothing but water. Some made it. Sadly, Superman (Nathan Armstrong that works in the rental shop at Wintergreen) wasn’t one of them.

Wintergreen Resort
Nelson County, Virginia

In what’s become an Ode to Winter, the annual Splash & Dash (or Pond Skimming) was held this past Saturday at Wintergreen Resort. This year’s event included 45 contestants.

Thanks to David Brokamp for the video above. Danny Watson of Nellysford successfully makes it over the pond this past Saturday – March 21, 2015.

To see all of Paul’s photos from the event, click on our Facebook album above.

Though the calendar says it’s officially spring, winter can still play a few tricks on us in the coming days, but for the most part minds are now on warmer days ahead!

View past pond skimmings at Wintergreen by clicking here.


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