Beautiful Start To Monday

Photo Courtesy of Tucker Hughes : A brilliant sunrise greeted folks waking up across the Blue Ridge Monday morning - March 16, 2015. This was on Route 151 in Nelson County near Afton Family Medicine.
Photo Courtesy of Tucker Hughes : A brilliant sunrise greeted folks waking up across the Blue Ridge Monday morning - March 16, 2015. This was on Route 151 in Nelson County near Afton Family Medicine.
Photo Courtesy of Tucker Hughes : A brilliant sunrise greeted folks waking up across the Blue Ridge Monday morning – March 16, 2015. This was on Route 151 in Nelson County near Afton Family Medicine.

Central Virginia Blue Ridge

75 degrees to start off the week and a glorious sunrise, our Facebook feed was full of the pretty views Monday morning.

Our Facebook feed had lots of pretty shots of the sunrise pics.
Our Facebook feed had lots of pretty shots of the sunrise pics.

Yes, winter is still officially here, but its days are numbered!



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