Nelson County, VA
By Woody Greenberg
Dozens of Nelson residents crowded into the Nelson County High School Cafeteria Wednesday night for Dominion’s open house, many to get information on their properties, most to register their protests over the proposed pipeline.
Dominion had tables set up to allow interested people to talk with their experts on environmental and property issues and many of the discussions seemed polite but contentious. The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission also had representatives present, and the lines at that table were quite long for most of the 2-1/2 hours of the open house.
Protesters sang “We Don’t Want Your Pipeline” and “We Shall Overcome” several times and a group held a lighted “No Pipeline” sign outside, facing U.S. 29.
[…] Blue Ridge Life: Lovingston: Open House on Proposed Pipeline Held Wednesday Night. “Nelson residents crowded into the Nelson County High School Cafeteria Wednesday night for […]