Rockfish Red 4Miler & DB Adventures Steepchase 5 & 10K – A Marriage Proposal & A Deer On The Trail

©2014 Blue Ridge Life Magazine : Photos By BRL Mountain Photographer Paul Purpura : Patrick Zinni of Charlottesville ends the DB Steeplechase race in a most unusual way this past Saturday with a mariage proposal to his sweetie, Mallory Vander Kooy, also of Charlottesville.
©2014 Blue Ridge Life Magazine : Photos By BRL Mountain Photographer Paul Purpura : Patrick Zinni of Charlottesville ends the DB Steeplechase race in a most unusual way this past Saturday with a mariage proposal to his sweetie, Mallory Vander  Kooy, also of Charlottesville.
©2014 Blue Ridge Life Magazine : Photos By BRL Mountain Photographer Paul Purpura : Patrick Zinni of Charlottesville ends the DB Steeplechase race in a most unusual way this past Saturday with a mariage proposal to his sweetie, Mallory Vander Kooy, also of Charlottesville.

Nelson County, VA

In spite of some rains showers on both Friday evening and Saturday afternoon, both the Corkscrew Rockfish 4Miler held at Cardinal Point Vineyard & Winery and the DB Adventures Steeplechase Run For The Hops went off without a hitch. Blue Ridge Life Magazine is a sponsor of both of the events held often throughout the year.

©2014 Blue Ridge Life : Photos By BRL Mountain Photographer Paul Purpura : On the left folks take to the trails this past Saturday afternoon during the Devils Backbone Adventures Steeplechase Run For The Hops." On the right this past Friday evening - May 9, 2014 when people hit the trail through the vineyard at Cardinal Point Winery for the Corkscrew Rockfish Red 4Miler.
On the left folks take to the trails this past Saturday afternoon during the Devils Backbone Adventures Steeplechase Run For The Hops.” On the right this past Friday evening – May 9, 2014 when people hit the trail through the vineyard at Cardinal Point Winery for the Corkscrew Rockfish Red 4Miler.
Brooke McGowan was the first female to cross the finish line during the Rockfish 4Miler this past Friday evening. Her time was 27:44.00.
Brooke McGowan was the first female to cross the finish line during the Rockfish 4Miler this past Friday evening. Her time was 27:44.00.
After the race everone gather to enjoy some great Cardinal Point wines and for the winners they got to pick out some new swag!
After the race everone gathered to enjoy some great Cardinal Point wines, and for the winners they got to pick out some new swag!
30 minutes before the main race at the DB Steeplechase, there was a kids fun run.
Back at the DB Steeplechase, 30 minutes before the main race there was a kids fun run.
The winners in the kids fun run at DB Steeplechase!
The winners in the kids fun run at DB Steeplechase!
Not that seeing a deer anywhere in these parts is unusual, but seeing one sprint across the race course at DB Steeplechase while it's going on was pretty unusual!
Not that seeing a deer anywhere in these parts is unusual, but seeing one sprint across the race course at DB Steeplechase while it’s going on was pretty unusual!
To see lots more shots from Paul's shoot at the Rockfish Red 4Miler, click on his album above.
To see lots more shots from Paul’s shoot at the Rockfish Red 4Miler, click on his album above.
To see tons more photos from Paul's shoot at the DB Steeplechase, click on the album above.
To see tons more photos from Paul’s shoot at the DB Steeplechase, click on the album above.

For all of the race results from the Corkscrew 4Miler click here.

The DB Steeplechase results and photo album will be up soon!


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