! NEWS BULLETIN ! : Jury Finds Randy Taylor GUILTY In Alexis Murphy Murder Trial – 2 Life Sentences

Photo via FBI Richmond: Randy Allen Taylor of Nelson County has been indicted for murder in the case involving missing teen Alexis Murphy.
Photo via FBI Richmond: Randy Allen Taylor of Nelson County has been indicted for murder in the case involving missing teen Alexis Murphy.
Photo via FBI Richmond: Randy Allen Taylor of Nelson County has been found guilty in the murder case of missing Nelson County, VA teen Alexis Murphy. The jurors returned a sentence of two life sentences.

Nelson County, VA

BRL just received word that Randy Taylor, the man charged with the murder and abduction of Alexis Murphy, has been found GUILTY

After the jurors returned a verdict of guilty on all counts, they again deliberated and returned with a penalty of two life sentences.

Complete timeline and history of Alexis Murphy case by clicking here.


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