Lightning Strike Causes Fire At Wintergreen Home

Photo Courtesy of Cathy Knowles: A large fire started in the hot tub area of a home on Ravens Roost Dr. at Wintergreen Friday afternoon April 24, 2014. Fire crews believe a lightning strike from a passing thunderstorm caused the fire.
Photo Courtesy of Cathy Knowles: A large fire started in the hot tub area of a home on Ravens Roost Lane at Wintergreen, Friday afternoon April 25, 2014. Fire crews believe a lightning strike from a passing thunderstorm caused the fire.

Ravens Roost Lane
Nelson County, VA

Thanks to some quick thinking by members of Wintergreen Police Department and crews from Wintergreen Fire, a fire from a lightning strike was confined to a hot tub and the surrounding deck area. “Wintergreen PD assisted by advancing all attack lines while the fire department established water supply. Initially there were only 2 firefighters and 2 policemen,” said Curtis Sheets, Chief of Wintergreen Fire & Rescue.

This is all that remained of the hot tub and the surrounding deck after after the lightning strike. According to Chief Sheets, "It looks like it struck the ground about 10 feet from the tub and then plowed a ditch to the deck."
This is all that remained of the hot tub and the surrounding deck after after the lightning strike. According to Chief Sheets, “It looks like it struck the ground about 10 feet from the tub and then plowed a ditch to the deck.”

Essentially, none of the main part of the home was damaged from the fire.


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