For Most Saturday Was A Cloudy, Dreary, Misty Day – But Not Everyone!

©™2013 Blue Ridge Life : If you got up to the mountaintops during the day Saturday, it was basically full sunshine looking down on a cloud deck covering the valley below. Above BRL Juniorette Publisher Peyton Stafford takes a look from roughly 3700 feet above at the overlook on Devils Knob Loop at Wintergreen, VA**
©™2013 Blue Ridge Life : If you got up to the mountaintops during the day Saturday, it was basically full sunshine looking down on a cloud deck covering the valley below. Above BRL Juniorette Publisher Peyton Stafford takes a look from roughly 3700 feet above at the overlook on Devils Knob Loop at Wintergreen, VA**
©™2013 Blue Ridge Life : If you got up to the mountaintops during the day Saturday, it was basically full sunshine looking down on a cloud deck covering the valley below. Above BRL Juniorette Publisher Peyton Stafford takes a look from roughly 3700 feet above at the overlook on Devils Knob Loop at Wintergreen, VA

Devils Knob – 3700′
Nelson County, VA

It was a nasty dreary day for lots of folks this past Saturday. Especially if you were on the east side of the Blue Ridge. Low clouds and fog trapped at the surface banks up against the easter slopes of the Blue Ridge Parkway and made it a cool, damp Saturday. But if you went up a few thousand feet, it was full sunshine! Unfortunately we’ll see more rain for everyone back in the forecast on Sunday, ending overnight Sunday.

To see lots more photos above the clouds this past Saturday -  November 16, 2013 - just click on our Facebook Album above.
To see lots more photos above the clouds this past Saturday – November 16, 2013 – just click on our Facebook Album above.


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