Hunter’s Moon From The Blue Ridge

©2013 Blue Ridge Life Magazine : Photos By BRLM Mountain Photographer Paul Purpura : This past Friday night - October 18, 2013 Paul captured this shot of what's called the Hunter's Moon rising to the east of the Blue Ridge Mountains, as seen from atop Wintergreen Resort looking east.
©2013 Blue Ridge Life Magazine : Photos By BRLM Mountain Photographer Paul Purpura : This past Friday night – October 18, 2013 Paul captured this shot of what’s called the Hunter’s Moon rising to the east of the Blue Ridge Mountains, as seen from atop Wintergreen Resort looking east.

Wintergreen Resort
Nelson County, Virginia

The cool nights of fall have arrived across the Central Virginia Blue Ridge and much colder weather is on the way by week’s end! BRLM Mountain Photographer Paul Purpura grabbed this fantastic shot of what’s called the Harvest Moon this past Friday night – October 18, 2013 from an overlook facing east at Wintergreen Resort. There was even a small lunar eclipse accompanying the harvest moon, but you really couldn’t tell it due to cloudiness.

A closeup of the Harvest Moon over the Blue Ridge this past Friday - October 18, 2013
A closeup of the Harvest Moon over the Blue Ridge this past Friday – October 18, 2013

Tommy talks about the much colder weather on the way for the second half of the week down below!


  1. When the Hunters Moon comes around next month, will you be featuring a headline about the Harvest Moon? #factcheck


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