Festy 2013 Finale Sunday Evening

©2013 Blue Ridge Life Magazine : Photo By BRLM Mountain Photographer Paul Purpura : Travis Book of The Infamous Stringdusters takes to the stage Saturday night - October 12, 2013 during The Festy 2013. - The annual music, craft beer, food and camping event winds down on Sunday evening.
©2013 Blue Ridge Life Magazine : Photo By BRLM Mountain Photographer Paul Purpura : Travis Book of The Infamous Stringdusters takes to the stage Saturday night - October 12, 2013 during The Festy 2013. - The annual music, craft beer, food and camping event winds down on Sunday evening.
©2013 Blue Ridge Life Magazine : Photo By BRLM Mountain Photographer Paul Purpura : Travis Book of The Infamous Stringdusters takes to the stage Saturday night – October 12, 2013 during The Festy 2013. – The annual music, craft beer, food and camping event winds down on Sunday evening.

Nelson County, VA

With raindrops abound The Festy 2013 is done until next year. A stubborn area of low pressure off of the eastern seaboard kept clouds and drizzle over the festival for most of the three days it was held here in Nelson. “We plan for this and in spite of the rain we had a tremendous response from our campers. Where the weather can make a difference is with those visiting for just a day,” said Justin Bilcheck, co-promoter, from Cerberus Productions.

@2013 Blue Ridge Life Magazine : In spite of gray, rainy skies for most of The Festy 2013, people took it in stride and enjoyed the annual music festival.
@2013 Blue Ridge Life Magazine Photo By Tommy Stafford : In spite of gray, rainy skies for most of The Festy 2013, people took it in stride and enjoyed the annual music festival.

Inspiration for the 3 day event goes back to the Brew Ridge Trail Music Festival started in 2009.

To see many more pics from The Festy 2013 head on over to our Facebook Album by clicking on the image above.
To see many more pics from The Festy 2013 head on over to our Facebook Album by clicking on the image above.

See you at The Festy 2014!


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