Preps For Festy Underway – Event Starts This Friday

©2013 Blue Ridge Life Magazine : Photos By Tommy Stafford : John Howard of Wintergreen, VA helps load a big F for Festy on a cart in preps for The Festy that kicks off this Friday - October 11, 2013
©2013 Blue Ridge Life Magazine : Photos By Tommy Stafford : John Howard of Wintergreen, VA helps load a big F for Festy on a cart in preps for The Festy that kicks off this Friday – October 11, 2013

Nelson County, VA

The Festy kicks off this coming Friday – October 11th and runs through the weekend. Preps have been underway for the festival that brings tons of great musicians together right here in Nelson where BRLM is based. Click here to see the lineup over the entire weekend. Festy was inspired by the Brew Ridge Trail Music Festival held back in 2009 on the grounds at Devils Backbone and became The Festy the very next year. Thousands attend the annual event.

In this panoramic view shot Tuesday afternoon from the parking lot of Devils Backbone Brewing, you can see many tents have been put up in preps for the weekend festival.
In this panoramic view shot Tuesday afternoon from the parking lot of Devils Backbone Brewing, you can see many tents have been put up in preps for the weekend festival. Click to enlarge view.

Blue Ridge Life Magazine will be covering The Festy over the weekend and we’ll update you more as the weekend draws near!



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