Jean and Bill Uhl from Piney River, VA enjoy and afternoon picking out the hops at Blue Mountain Brewery this past Wednesday – August 7, 2013
Blue Mountain first put in a small hop farm around the time they opened back in 2007, and the harvest has become a favorite way to celebrate the hops that go into some of beers brewed in Afton.
Stan Marshall and Luke Wilson played a little bluegrass music for some background while the hops were being picked at Blue Mountain Brewery – Wednesday : August 7, 2013
Folks that dropped by to help out were treated to a complimentary lunch!
BRLM photographer Paul Purpura brought along his sister Paula who came in from Virginia Beach. Paul said she had a wonderful time picking hops! The cycle of beer. Hops to the glass! While picking fresh hops at Blue Mountain Brewery – Wednesday : August 7, 2013Freshly picked hops this past Wednesday – August 7, 2013 at Blue Mountain Brewery.